Wednesday, January 20, 2010

*tries really hard to think of a name for day 20*

Well hello there mookies!

My school is stupid. They sent us home at 12 because of some sleet. WHHYY?? It's not the end of the world! It's a rubbish reason to tear me away from Andy and all my friends.

So basically I just came home, ate some dairylea dunkers and put on whatever I could find. Which happened to be...

A Marilyn Manson tee from about two years ago. I just noticed, the appropriate picture by my head :)
Trackies *gasp of horror* from... SPORTS WORLD! *faints* it's ok though, they are comfortable and look similar to some I saw Emilie Autumn wearing in a picture recently.
Stripey socks from New Look
A plain black cardigan from H&M

I'll look better on a weekend, I promise. I'll even wear clothes that match. I'm just in one of those lazy-but-with-still-enough-energy-to-eat-loads moods.

By the way does anyone else like Aiden? They released their new music video yesterday and I am in love with wiL Francis even more than I was before.

So long
Loves, Lottie xxx

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