Saturday, January 23, 2010

The number 23 (23/01/2010)

Good afternoon mooks!

Of course I would be the 23rd person to post on the blog making my day the 23rd. That number has always followed me everywhere. It's my birth date, house number, and now my number on the mooky blog.

Anyway, getting to my outfit, my friends are wanting to go out tonight, I'm not sure if I'm going to go but I decided to try on outfits anyway and take pictures of them so my post wouldn't be up too late. This outfit was my favorite one...

I'm wearing... A black above the knee pencil skirt from H&M I got for Christmas this year from my boyfriends lovely sister. I was looking for months trying to find one that fit me the way I wanted, and then she brought me this one that fits perfectly. How does that work? I don't know. She is amazing with clothes, she can make anything look awesome.

I'm also wearing a greenish bluish tank top from a store called Dynamite. I'm not sure if it's only in Canada or not. I love these tank tops, I have about 6. They fit so nicely, only cost about $8, and come in a bunch of colours. I have them in black, white, grey, purple, red, and this green one.

I'm wearing a flowy black and grey stripey cardigan also from Dynamite. I really like the style and it goes with everything. My boyfriend tells me he thinks this style makes people look like ghosts..

You can't tell in the first picture but I am also wearing silver and black shiny tights. They came into my work and I couldn't resist buying a pair. I was kind of pissed off though when it said on the box it came with two and the second was just a plain black pair, but I guess everyone can use a plain black pair.

Finally, I'm wearing a headband you can't see in the first picture that is black with 3 small roses on it. After I dyed my hair bright red it's my favorite hair accessory. As for jewelry I'm wearing a red apple necklace from Swarovski that my ex boyfriend gave me, a small beaded bracelet I made, a bracelet with black beads and little pearly elephants that I made, a silver ring I adore with little swirl type designs on it that my boyfriend gave me for our first Christmas, and my favorite plugs, they are clear glass with a black backing and copper bits in the center.

It's a somewhat boring outfit, but I don't want to send the wrong messages to people if I go out tonight.. Let me know what you think. =]

Laura (Lalala)<3

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