Right- first of all my outfit. I'll put what you're here to see first so you can just ignore my musings if you so wish.
The grey hat -I've had it for years. When I first wore it to school people made fun of it and snatched it off my head. Well, it's a fucking fine now that these things are in fashion. *Damn you society!*
I funkied it up with a flower brooch/clip from Topshop.
Scarf was from a scarf stall at a community Christmas Fayre.
My Jimi Hendrix Brooch is made from a penny and I got it at a stall in a folk festival. I had a long chat with the woman about how great the 60's were and how she was glad to see a youngster like me enjoying the music instead of it being forgotten.
Anywho the purpose of this ridiculous picture is to show you my Counting Crows tour t-shirt. It was my mum's because I was too young to go at the time. :( I inherited it when she came out of her "It's the nineties and looking thin and ill is cool" phase and didn't fit into it anymore. I got a cool top and a cuddley mummy in one go! :D
Anorak thingy is from a second hand shop. I think it's Eastern European or something. The label is in weird letters.
Grey fingerless gloves were a Christmas present. If you look closely they look like they are covered in white cat hairs, but alas, that is just the wool.
And of course The Silver Docs. I love them like a child - that I stomp around in all day.
Today is Friday and the ritual is to play The Cure on full blast while I get myself ready to go see the boyfriend. Forty minute long bus journeys are soul destroying so I'm taking Silence of the Lambs with me to read on the way. Nothing like brutal murder to alleviate boredom! :D
Yaaay! Weekends make me happy. Have a good one ladies! See you on the other side. xxx
I love mummies getting cuddly so that one can inherit their cool clothes.