Friday, April 30, 2010

Stripes that will make you siiiiiiing! [30/4/2010]

Salut, m'dears!

It's my day again and I apologise for the crap quality of the pics, my camera refused to cooperate. Anyway, today hasn't been too eventful for me, I woke up, went to the supermarket to get some nomnomz, then I played the piano, recorded a rather crappy song for Mooks called She's A Mook, and now I'm doing nothing. Yay for holidays!

On the pics I'm wearing a Siouxsie t-shirt I bought in Camden millions of years ago, black/red stripeys, can't remember where I got those, my favourite black skirt and my black blazer with lots of pins. The big black one with rainbow writing on it is from Sweden and it says something along the lines of "Control the environment, not individuals." Pretty cool, huh? And I'm posing with a guitar because I'm so hardcore. Yeahhhh.

Today's song is Comme Elle Vient by Noir Désir, a rather nifty French rock band. I'm off to sing the Mooky song.

My legs look huge on this last pic, I promise you I'm not a giant! Far from it!

Pip pip!

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