Friday, February 5, 2010

Post Number 38 for you, Number Two for me!

Hello, loserbutter/Emily reporting for duty! Today, I am wearing one of my favourite outfits. I like it for two reasons:
1) I like it!
2) Other people actually compliment it too!

What exactly am I wearing?

1) A Bikini Kill top which I believe you can get on the Kill Rock Stars website but I got mine from eBay.
2) A Black high waisted skirt with attached braces from Urban Outfitters (bought when I had a much better budget than I do now!!)
3) Grey leopard print leggings from the oh so classy George @ Asda

You can't see the leggings very well in the picture to the left but if you look to the right, there's a better picture of them.

My day so far has been pretty interesting. I'm studying English Literature with American Studies at uni but it worked out so that last semester, I only did English and this semester I'm doing the American Studies. I find American history and how their political system was developed really fascinating if I'm honest. My last seminar finished at 1 and I've got another lecture at 4 so I came back to my flat just so I could post this blog :) Even though I've got a part time job now, by some miracle I'm not working tomorrow which means I am going out tonight and getting absolutely wasted, hooray! Have a good day everyone!

loserbuttercup/Emily Jane xx


  1. I love that outfit, especially the t-shirt. No, especially the skirt. No, especially the hair. Argh I just love it all!

  2. This is awesome! I love the T-shirt and skirt combo.
