It's Sapphire here, filling in for someone else, not sure who though! Today it was sunny out, but very chilly at the same time so I decided it would be a good idea to wrap up warm. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near as stylish as some of you lot, so I was wearing something particularly boring. My top is a lovely cashmere thing from new look. I bought this last year in the sale and I have had so much wear out of it! the scarf is from peaCOCKS (teehee) and I bought that a couple of years back. The jeans and shoes are from primark, which is kind of boring too. The jeans are also a size too big and the shoes are a size 4 because I have diddy little feet. The last item on the list is my coat which was bought from SAINSBURYS about three years ago now. My lovely mother bought it for me before I came to uni, and once again I've had a lot of wear out of it.
I looked in my wardrobe today and realised that I don't actually own any colourful clothes, all my tops seem to be black or grey, along with all my hoodys and all my jeans are dark jeans. The only colourful items in my wardrobe seem to be my t-shirts (which are usually hidden by a hoody) and my pyjamas (I have a pair of glittery, starry blue coloured oned from primark which I love).
Anyway I think thats enough from me, ta ta for now!
p.s. I was wearing a pair of earrings which I forgot to take a picture of, but I bought them whilst on holiday in zambia. They're a pair of black dangly things, the lady said they were made from buffalo horn which isn't particularly nice, but I think she was lying just to make a sale.
p.p.s. I'd just like to apologise for keeping my hood up, I had greasy hair and no make up on!
Your jacket is beyond awesome!!