Monday, February 22, 2010

Pew pew!

Oh noes! It's me again! Lady C dropping in for the next style update. This is my "Going-Ingredients-Shopping" outfit - I'm off to Asda to buy things to make myself a lovely curry for dinner tomorrow.

My t-shirt was from HMV; the ones you get in the packets, and can't take out to see the size because you can never make them fit again. I got fed up with massive mens size band shirts, so I lopped the shoulders off it. The back is all slashed too, but I'm not very good at taking pictures of myself I'm afraid.
I do loves me some GNR. Slash <3

My leggings are wet look ones, though you can't really see. I got them from work for about £7, and they're sort of done now. They're awesome, but too cold to wear much at the moment.

My combat boots are also from my work, I got them for £15 [yay 50% staff uniform discount]
They're not the comfiest for wearing when you're standing all day - the sole isn't so good akshully. They do look awesome though, and they're good for the perpetually mucky streets.

Close up of my boots to the left! Really, they're cheap rip offs of the ones sold in All Saints for over £100, but frankly, I've got better things to spend money on that that! Of course.

No shots of my jewellery this time around, but you've seen one of my crosses before in my first post. The other one is a fake rosary that I bought in Clare's Accessories last year. I'd been looking for one for ages, really for my photo shoot prop box, but I liked it so much I nabbed it.

Not much else to say about my outfit. My Bag was one I nabbed from my mum [who's room the picture was taken in] and it's plain to see my hair is reaaaaally needing dyed again. Shame I'm so skint I can't afford it!

Also, apologies for the slightly lacking picture quality, I thought I'd try out my new iphone [yes, I bought into the consumerist machine, *shame*] and I think I'll give it a miss next time around.

Enjoy your day mooks, I'm off to buy curry ingredients!

Lady C x

1 comment:

    Delightful, dear Fiona
