Hello team :)
I'm not actually going out on the lash this particular Friday night, even though I got my exam results back today and did rather well *in all but one cough cough* I went to a Drum and Bass night on Monday, a Reggae night on Wednesday and a Dubstep night last night, so I'm chilling out for once. Also, my family are coming to stay for the weekend (not in my flat of course!) so I'm dressing like someone who is partially respectable. I'm channeling Joan Holloway of Mad Men today. Major g
irl crush on Christina Hendricks, the actress who plays her. Oh my God perfection.
ANYHOO. Ignore my stupid face, I hate pictures.
I'm wearing a black pencil skirt from New Look, my vintage waist belt again, and this top is I thinkkk from M&S..
In a completely non Joan Holloway twist I also decided I'd go with a bow from Dorothy Perkins. I'm so sweet.
I've just had atext from my mother saying they'll be in town at half 7 and I get to choose where we eat. Hmmm. So much power.
Have a lovely weekend Mooky darlings.
Whoa my boobs look HUGE.
Ruby, you look fit! Love your outfit xx