Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hello world!

My dearest and most adoring fans!

I'm really really REALLY sorry if I'm stepping on anybody's toes here, and this is your day, but Candy told me a I could post a few days ago and as I'm so late on the mookwagon, I wasn't actually given a specific day, so sorry sorry sorry!

This is my outfit today! It's actually quite a lot different from what I usually wear, because I tend to have some sort of belt that cuts off my circulation around the middle, and I'm unsure if I like it or will wear it again, but the dress (which is actually a size 16 top I bought on ebay on a whim, fnarrfnaar) arrive on my doorstep in a little package and i got very excited! I do believe it cost 99p or something ridiculous. I'm actually really happy to be wearing the shirt. It's my favourite shirt, and it's so soft and lovely and vintage but haven't worn it for about a year because that's how long ago it was I wore trousers. I was dressed as a pirate, wow!

The spoon necklace I made myself, and I love it. No really, I adore it hugely. It's probably the favourite thing I own. Thing is, people don't seem to understand it. I get asked a lot on whether I use it to eat yoghurt. I don't even really like yoghurt. It's made from fermented cow. And it causes lots of dialogues like this-

IDIOT: Is that a spoon around your neck?
CHARLIE: No darling, it's fashion.
IDIOT backs away slowly. CHARLIE sinks to her knees in despair
SARDINE enters, and taps CHARLIE on the shoulder with walking stick.
This serves you right for wearing eating utensils around your neck to look as though you have a personality. raises top hat Good day mam'sel!

FML. x

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