Friday, June 11, 2010

The day I risked my sanity for this blog (12/6/10)

Okay, so you're probably wondering about the title. If so, look no further than the posters on the wall in a few of these shots! I have not become Jonas Brother crazy overnight, so fear not. I took these pics in my sister's room as she has a lovely contraption known as a full size mirror, therefore it is much more convenient to take pictures!

Today, as you can see, I am wearing some color! (Or colour, depending on where you are from.)

I am wearing my No Doubt t-shirt that I got about this time last year at the concert! They were so brilliant, and I was actually listening to them today, forgetting I had the top on. I always feel like such an obsessed fan when I wear a band t-shirt then listen to them on that day!

Here are my amazing stripey fishnet tights! 2 for $5 at Wet Seal, I believe! I have some purple and black ones, too, but they're not stripey, more just like interwoven. And they ripped a bit. Gahh. I do hate that. I bought some stockings from Victoria's Secret last weekend and they already have those little black lines on them where the thread is bunched together!

Last of all, here is my expression next to a picture of Justin Bieber. This describes the whole picture taking experience, really :P

Immy x

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