Thursday, February 4, 2010


Just a short one today, before I dash off to work -I've taken a picture of my pre-work clothing rather than my super-sexy Ikea uniform. I work in the restaurant, and have to wear a hat and hairnet, plus my uniform is about twenty sizes too big. No-one wants to see that.
Today most of my clothes come from Primark! I'm wearing:
  • White Clouds t-shirt, Primark -I bought this about two years ago for a holiday to France with my then-boyfriend and his family, it was part of my pre-holiday clothing haul, and I still love it.
  • Long Grey Cardigan, Select -This was only purchased yesterday! I love long cardigans, and the colour of this will go with pretty much anything, I think. Plus the fabric is nice and smooth.
  • Jeans, Primark -I need a new pair of jeans actually, these have lasted well but they're on their last legs I think (excuse the terrible pun).
  • Beaded necklace, Primark -This is terribly long, so it's actually wrapped around two or three times. I know at least three other people will this same necklace, all of whom wear it quite frequently, so I don't tend to wear mine too often.
  • Doc Martens -Schuh -Got these in the sale a couple of months ago, and I love Love LOVE them! They're a size too big, but I couldn't let them go, so I just wear an extra pair of socks with them.
  • And, as usual, I'm wearing my silver bangle, green bracelet and silver & amber ring.
Ciao bellas, I'm off to serve meatballs!
Siobhan x

P.S Please excuse spacky face in above picture, and layout of said picture, didn't have time to improve!